Aluminium Casement Windows
We manufacture the aluminium casement windows that we offer at our designated aluminium production facility. Crafted to the highest standards here in the UK, our contemporary aluminium systems are a cut above. Thanks to our extensive delivery service, we can offer these marketing leading Alitherm 800 windows to homeowners far and wide looking for a contemporary window solution.

Aluminium is a very strong and lightweight material. It naturally generates a protective oxide coating, making it virtually resistant to corrosion. Because of that, aluminium is one of the most durable frame materials available. The lifespan of these casement windows can therefore be measured in decades rather than years, making them immensely popular with homeowners.
In-House Manufactured.

Our aluminium casement windows come with effective components that have been designed for ultimate weatherproofing, offering homeowners long term protection against the elements. With the right care and ventilation our aluminium windows can help avoid expensive issues in the home.
Our modern aluminium casement windows feature a thermally broken polyamide framework. It is an excellent insulator which helps to prevent heat loss. Our aluminium window ranges can deliver U-values as low as 1.3 W/m2K, standing toe to toe with the best on the market.
Our aluminium casement windows come with effective components that have been designed for ultimate weatherproofing, offering homeowners long term protection against the elements. With the right care and ventilation our aluminium windows can help avoid expensive issues in the home.
Our modern aluminium casement windows feature a thermally broken polyamide framework. It is an excellent insulator which helps to prevent heat loss. Our aluminium window ranges can deliver U-values as low as 1.3 W/m2K, standing toe to toe with the best on the market.
Our aluminium windows have been security tested to PAS24. This enables them to meet the regulations for new build projects. Also, utilising a multi point locking mechanism, internal key locking handles and internal beads, our aluminium windows offer the highest level of security as standard.
With all of our aluminium casement windows, there is a manufacturing guarantee of up to ten years. We understand that actions speak louder than words, so provide peace of mind with the quality windows we manufacture and supply. You’re only getting the absolute best with us.
Our aluminium windows have been security tested to PAS24. This enables them to meet the regulations for new build projects. Also, utilising a multi point locking mechanism, internal key locking handles and internal beads, our aluminium windows offer the highest level of security as standard.
With all of our aluminium casement windows, there is a manufacturing guarantee of up to ten years. We understand that actions speak louder than words, so provide peace of mind with the quality windows we manufacture and supply. You’re only getting the absolute best with us.
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Our Design Service will inspire and guide you through your dream project; from selecting the right cabinetry and work surfaces to choosing appliances and interiors. Book your first, complementary design consultation here.
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